KBC Groep NV 应用

KBC Mobile 17.2.0
KBC Groep NV
Bank on your smartphone where and when youwant with KBC Mobile. It's packed with great features that let youtransfer funds in real time between your own accounts or toaccounts at other banks, view your account balance and transactionsand make payments between two smartphones.Other features let you:- Withdraw cash from any KBC/CBC ATM without needing your bank cardusing MobileCash- Pay quickly and securely online and instore using yoursmartphone, without needing your bank card- Buy online without a card reader using MobilePay, ideal formaking quick and secure payment of invoices in Doccle or for itemspurchased in an online shop- Load your KBC Prepaid Card in real time and view its and yourcredit card's details at any time- Manage usage limits for your debit and credit cards- Enter and manage planned transaction orders, like savings ordersor credit transfers with an execution date in the future- Log in and sign transactions using your fingerprint.– Scan credit transfer forms– Open a savings account or set up a Pricos pension savingsplan– See your financial to-do list- Manage your beneficiary details- See account, beneficiary and credit card details clearlydifferentiated for your business and personal accounts- Become a KBC client without having to go to a branch- Set a limit for the amount you can transfer- Send messages to your bank branch, insurance agent andrelationship manager- View and pay Zoomit and electronic invoices from KBCInsurance- See your current travel insurance plus added cover you might wantfor fuller peace of mind and get personalised suggestions on thebest insurance for your travels.- Sign certain types of documents digitally (once you've arrangedthis with your branch).- Receive notifications and check your account balance on yoursmartwatch– Make appointments that suit you with your relationship manager orKBC Team– See right away which advisers are availableKBC Mobile is very user-friendly. All you need is your PIN to login and sign transactions. You can use additional features likemanaging your limits or making a transfer in excess of the standardlimit with your card reader.Like to find out more? Download the app and try out the demoversion. Just register using your bank card and card reader andyou're off! Learn more at m.kbc.be/mobile.The app will ask you for a number of permissions. KBC will neverimproperly use these permissions. Such permissions are requiredfor:• Storage (modifying or deleting the contents of your USBstorage)This allows you to save photos to the app.• Network communication (full Internet access)This allows you to connect to the bank.• Phone calls (reading phone status and identity)This allows you to contact KBC directly using the telephone numberslisted in the Contact option in the menu.• Hardware settings (creating photos and videos)This allows you to use the camera to add personal photos to yourprofile and/or KBC Save for Goals accounts.
KBC Touch
KBC Groep NV
KBC Touch makes online banking and insurance acinch, anytime, anywhere. As easy as one, two, three.Do more with KBC Touch.– Check your account balance and transactions, see what's leftto spend on your credit and prepaid cards and top up your prepaidcard in real time– Transfer funds in real time between your own accounts or toaccounts at other banks– Search for specific transactions and save them in a separatereport– Create and view statements of account– Easily sign your transfers with your PIN without having to useyour bank card and card reader (unless you transfer an amount thatexceeds your limit)– If you run a business, you can toggle with ease between yourpersonal and business accounts, and keep your personal and businessbeneficiaries separate.– See where your income comes from and where your expendituregoes– Get a clear overview of your investment portfolio, with all itssavings and investment products– View your loans in detail, calculate your home loan and changewhen your home loan repayments are made and from whichaccount– Easily simulate and apply for an instalment loan– Get an overview of insurance you've taken out, and calculate thecost of a car, family or home insurance policy.And much more besides.Find out all you can do with KBC Touch today.Do you have any questions? Send an e-mail to kbc.helpdesk@kbc.beor call the KBC Helpdesk on + 32 16 43 25 07.
KBC Business 01.00.06
KBC Groep NV
Manage your business banking easily andsecurely wherever you are 24/7 with the KBC Business app.Check the balance on your accounts, transfer funds in real timebetween your own accounts, make transfers to accounts at otherbanks and even approve individual or batched payment orders alreadyset up in KBC-Online for Business or Isabel. Do it all and morewith KBC Business.It also gives you our handy 'scash' (scan & cash) facilityletting you make or receive payments by QR code (which you probablyalready know from our KBC Mobile app).Just sign up through KBC-Online for Business or Isabel to getstarted.Learn more at www.kbc.be/mobilebusinessbanking.
CBC Mobile 17.2.0
KBC Groep NV
Conviviale, rapide et gratuite, CBC Mobilevous permet d’effectuer vos opérations bancaires courantes avecvotre smartphone sans votre carte : consulter votre solde,effectuer vos virements, charger votre MasterCard Prepaid en tempsréel, consulter les opérations de votre carte de crédit, transférerde l’argent entre amis, effectuer vos achats en ligne, …Pas encore client? Devenez-le directement via l’app et découvrez lecompte gratuit Agence à votre nom (Mastercard Prepaid gratuite,jusqu’à 2 cartes de débit, compte épargne, …).Téléchargez l’app – Complétez votre demande via l’app (max. 3 min.)– Recevez votre welcome pack (avec votre carte et votre lecteur)par la poste, votre code pin par SMS – Signez votre contrat viavotre mobile. Bravo ! Vous êtes client.Profitez des fonctionnalités suivantes :- consulter les informations de vos comptes à vue etd'épargne- effectuer des virements et fixer le montant maximal- transférer de l'argent entre deux smartphones- payer vos achats (en ligne) via QR code- charger en temps réel votre carte Prepaid- vérifier les transactions effectuées et gérer les limites de voscartes de débit et de crédit- retirer de l'argent aux distributeurs des agences CBC et/ou KBCsans carte bancaire- Vous pouvez vous connecter et signer des transactions avec votreempreinte digitale.- Scanner un formulaire de virement papier- Ouvrir un compte d'épargne/compte Pricos- Un aperçu des tâches financières- gérer vos bénéficiaires- consulter et payer vos factures d'assurances ou les facturestransmises via Zoomit- Vous recevez dans l'app une proposition d'assurance personnaliséepour partir en voyage en toute quiétude, ainsi qu’un résumé desassurances voyage que vous possédez.- Après un entretien auprès de votre agence bancaire, vous pouvezdésormais signer certains documents par voie électronique.- encoder et gérer des ordres planifiés, tels qu'un ordre d'épargneou un virement assorti d'une date d'exécution- envoyer des messages à votre agence bancaire, à votre agentd'assurances et à votre chargé de relations- recevoir des messages et consulter le solde de vos comptes survotre smartwatch- Prendre rendez-vous avec votre chargé de relations ou votreéquipe CBC et choisir le canal.- Vue immédiate des personnes disponibles chez CBCIl vous suffit de saisir votre code secret pour vous connecter etsigner des opérations. Le lecteur de carte vous donne égalementaccès à des fonctionnalités supplémentaires, telles que la gestiondes limites ou l'exécution de virements au-delà de la limite fixéepar défaut.Vous êtes entrepreneur? Vous pourrez distinguer aisément vie privéeet vie professionnelle, tant au niveau du relevé des comptes quedes bénéficiaires et des cartes de crédit.Nous avons éveillé votre curiosité ? Dans ce cas, n'hésitez pas àtélécharger notre app et à tester la démo. Munissez-vous ensuite devotre carte bancaire et du lecteur de carte CBC pour vousenregistrer, et le tour est joué ! Vous trouverez de plus amplesinformations sur m.cbc.be/mobile.L’application vous demandera quelques autorisations. CBC ne feraaucun usage inapproprié de ces autorisations. Pourquoi certainesautorisations sont-elles demandées ?• Stockage (modifier ou supprimer le contenu de la clé USB)Cela vous permettra de stocker des photos dans l’application.• Communication réseau (accès complet à l’Internet)Cela vous permettra d’établir une communication avec labanque.• Appels téléphoniques (statut tél. et lecture id)Cela vous permet de prendre directement contact avec CBC via lesnuméros de téléphone que vous pouvez retrouver dans le menu sousContact.• Paramètres hardware (réalisation de photos et vidéos)Cela vous permet d’utiliser l’appareil photographique pour ajouterdes photos personnelles à votre profil et/ou Comptes d’épargneciblée CBC.App in nederlands beschikbaar/App available in english/ App inDeutsch verfügbarFriendly, fast and free,CBC Mobile allows you to make your everyday banking with yoursmartphone without your card: check your balance, make yourpayments, charge your MasterCard Prepaid in real time, check theoperations of your credit card, transfer money with friends, doyour shopping online, ...Client? Become it directly via the app and discover the free agencyin your account name (Mastercard Prepaid free until 2 debit cards,savings, ...).Download the app - Complete your application via the app (max 3min.). - Get your welcome pack (with your card and reader) by mail,your pin code via SMS - Sign your contract via your mobile.Congratulations! You are client.Enjoy the following features:- Check the information of your accounts and savings- Make transfers and set the maximum amount- Transfer money between two smartphones- Pay for purchases (online) via QR code- Load in real time your prepaid card- Check transactions and manage the limits of your debit and creditcards- Withdraw money distributors CBC agencies and / or KBC withoutcredit card- You can log in and sign transactions with your fingerprint.- Scan a paper transfer form- Open a savings account / account Pricos- An overview of financial tasks- Manage your beneficiaries- View and pay your insurance bills or invoices sent viaZoomit- You get the app in a personalized insurance proposal to go on ajourney in peace, and a summary of travel insurance you have.- After a meeting with your bank, you can now sign documentselectronically.- Enter and manage planned orders, such as a savings or order atransfer accompanied by an execution date- Send messages to your bank, your insurance agent and yourRelationship- Receive messages and check the balance of your accounts on yoursmartwatch- Make an appointment with your Relationship or CBC team and selectchannel.- Immediate view of available people at CBCSimply enter your password to log in and sign transactions. Thecard reader also gives you access to additional features, such aslimit management or execution of transfers beyond the limit set bydefault.Are you an entrepreneur? You can easily distinguish between privatelife and professional life, both in the statement of accounts ofbeneficiaries and credit cards.We aroused your curiosity? In this case, feel free to download ourapp and test the demo. Then please have your credit card and CBCcard reader to sign up, and voila! You will find more informationon m.cbc.be/mobile.The application will ask you some permissions. CBC will not do anyinappropriate use of these authorizations. Why are certainpermissions required?• Storage (modify or delete the contents of the USB stick)This will allow you to store photos in the application.• Network communication (full internet access)This will enable you to establish communication with thebank.• Telephone calls (phone status. Id and reading)This allows you to make direct contact with CBC via the phonenumbers that you can find in the menu under Contact.• Hardware Settings (realization of photos and videos)This lets you use the camera to add personal photos to your profileand / or targeted Savings Accounts CBC.App in nederlands beschikbaar / App available in English / App inDeutsch verfügbar
CBC Business 01.00.06
KBC Groep NV
Manage your business banking easily andsecurely wherever you are 24/7 with the CBC Business app.Check the balance on your accounts, transfer funds in real timebetween your own accounts, make transfers to accounts at otherbanks and even approve individual or batched payment orders alreadyset up in CBC-Online for Business or Isabel. Do it all and morewith CBC Business.It also gives you our handy 'scash' (scan & cash) facilityletting you make or receive payments by QR code (which you probablyalready know from our CBC Mobile app).Just sign up through CBC-Online for Business or Isabel to getstarted.Learn more at www.cbc.be/mobilebusinessbanking.
KBC Drive 5.0.1
KBC Groep NV
Kriebelt het om je rijbewijs te behalen?Dankzij KBC Drive wordt het theoretisch rijexamen alvast een koudkunstje!Met KBC Drive kun je gratis oefenen voor je theoretischrijexamen waar en wanneer je maar wilt! Je test je kennis aan dehand van 50 examenvragen. Bovendien kun je onbeperkt nieuwe examensmaken. Uit een bestand met honderden vragen worden telkens inwillekeurige volgorde 50 vragen geselecteerd. Zo ben je in geentijd klaar om de weg op te gaan. Veel succes!Itches to obtain yourdriver's license? Thanks KBC Drive is the theoretical driving testalready a breeze!KBC Drive lets you free practice for theoretical driving testwhenever and wherever you want! Test your knowledge on the basis of50 exam. Moreover, you can create unlimited new exams. A file withhundreds of questions each 50 questions selected at random. So youare ready in no time to go on the road. Good luck!
KBC AM Strategie & Accenten NL 1.8.3
KBC Groep NV
KBC AM Strategie & Accenten is eenmagazine waarin u de visie van KBC AM kunt lezen over deontwikkelingen van de financiële en economische markten. Deze visievertaalt zich naar de beleggingsstrategie van KBC AM en vormt debasis van ons beleggingsadvies.De recentste gebeurtenissen worden zo snel mogelijk toegevoegdzodat u altijd op de hoogte blijft. Daarnaast worden de meestinteressante aandelen van het moment geselecteerd en besproken.Veel leesplezier.KBC Asset Strategy &Accents is a magazine where you can read the vision of KBC AM onthe developments of the financial and economic markets. This visiontranslates to the investment strategy of KBC AM and forms the basisof our investment.The latest events are added as soon as possible so that you arealways up to date. In addition, to be selected and discussed in themost interesting stocks of the moment. Enjoy reading.
CBC Touch
KBC Groep NV
CBC Touch vous permet de régler en un tour demain vos opérations de bancassurance en ligne où et quand vousvoulez.Possibilités offertes par CBC Touch- Consultation du solde et des opérations sur compte, demande dusolde des cartes de crédit et cartes prepaid, chargement en tempsréel de la carte prepaid.- Virements en temps réel entre vos propres comptes et en faveur decomptes auprès d'autres banques.- Recherche et sauvegarde d'opérations spécifiques dans un relevéséparé.- Établissement et consultation des extraits de compte.- Signature de virements au moyen du code secret, sans cartebancaire ni lecteur de carte (pour autant que le montant duvirement ne dépasse pas le plafond).- Pour les entreprises : passage entre les comptes privés etprofessionnels et établissement d'une distinction entre lesbénéficiaires privés et professionnels.- Vérification de l'origine des revenus et de l'affectation desdépenses.- Vision claire de votre portefeuille et de tous les produitsd'épargne et d'investissement qu'il comporte.- Détail de vos crédits, simulation de crédit logement etmodification du compte ou de la date de remboursement du créditlogement.- Simulation et demande de prêt à tempérament.- Relevé des assurances et simulation d'une police auto, familialeou habitation.Et ce n’est pas tout !Découvrez sans tarder toutes les possibilités de CBC Touch!Si vous avez des questions, envoyez un e-mail àkbc.helpdesk@kbc.be/hotline@cbc.be ou appelez la Hotline CBC au0800 62 460.App beschikbaar in het Nederlands /App available in English/ Appin Deutsch verfügbarCBC Touch lets you adjustin a snap your bancassurance operations online wherever andwhenever you want.Opportunities offered by CBC Touch- Balance inquiries and account transactions, request creditcard balance and prepaid cards, real-time loading of the prepaidcard.- Real-time transfers between your own accounts and for accountswith other banks.- Research and Preservation of specific operations in a separatestatement.- Establishment and consultation of account statements.- Signature transfers using the secret code without credit card orcard reader (if the transfer amount does not exceed theceiling).- For companies: transition between private and professionalaccounts and establishing a distinction between private andbusiness beneficiaries.- Verification of Origin of revenue and expenditureassignments.- Clear vision of your portfolio and all savings and investmentproducts it contains.- Detail your credits, housing credit simulation and change theaccount or the date of repayment of housing loans.- Simulation and installment loan.- Statement Insurance and simulation of self police, family orhome.And that's not all !Discover now all the possibilities for CBC Touch!If you have questions, send an email to kbc.helpdesk kbc.be @ /@ cbc.be hotline or call the CBC Hotline on 0800 62 460.App het Nederlands beschikbaar in / app available in English /App in Deutsch verfügbar
KBC Invest
KBC Groep NV
Have an investment portfolio of 25 000 eurosor more? Track your investments in detail 24/7 with the KBC Investapp.KBC Invest lets you:• Stay updated on your investments at all times, including themonthly changes in all investment products (return), the degree ofrisk in your investment portfolio (risk analysis) and how much youhave invested in certain product classes, currencies, regions andsectors (allocation)• Get monthly updates on the KBC Investment Strategy to make evenmore well-informed investment choices together with your investmentadviser• Receive notifications alerting you to important events for yourinvestment portfolio like when an investment is nearing itsmaturity date• Easily confirm advice proposals from the comfort of your own homeby digitally signing them• Place orders by text or video chat with a wealth managementadviser (even outside office hours)Stay tuned in 2016 for even more great new features in KBCInvest.Send us your queries by e-mail to invest@kbc.be or call the KBCHelpdesk on + 32 16 43 25 07 for more assistance.
CBC Sign 17.2.0
KBC Groep NV
L'app CBC Sign permet de se connecter en toutesécurité et de valider et signer des transactions et des documentsdans les applications e-banking de CBC.L'app CBC Sign assure la sécurisation de vos applications e-bankingsur ordinateur, telles que CBC Touch, CBC Invest et CBC Online forBusiness. Avec cette app, vous vous connectez aisément sur votresmartphone et valider/signer des transactions et des documents entoute sécurité. Il s’agit donc bien d'une app de sécurisation etnon d'une application e-banking.Modalités de fonctionnementPour vous connecter dans l'application e-banking sur PC (ou Mac),vous vous rendez sur la page de connexion de l'app et sélectionnez‘CBC Sign’ comme mode de sécurisation. Une fois que vous avezintroduit votre code d'identification, un code QR unique apparaît àl'écran. Après avoir lu le code QR avec l'app CBC Sign et saisivotre code secret de cinq positions sur votre smartphone, vousaccédez à l'application e-banking sur votre PC (ou Mac).C'est simple, aisé et sûr. La même procédure est appliquée pourvalider et signer des transactions en ligne.ExigencesPas besoin de disposer de matériel supplémentaire ou d'installer unlogiciel sur votre PC (ou Mac). Vous avez uniquement besoin del'app CBC Sign sur votre smartphone et d'une connexion àinternet.pour les particuliers : L'app peut être activée avec votre cartebancaire et le lecteur de carte CBC ou au moyen de l'applicationCBC Mobile (si cette app a été activée sur votre smartphone).pour les entrepreneurs : Les codes d'activation de CBC Sign peuventêtre obtenus auprès de votre agence bancaire CBC ou du gestionnairede votre abonnement CBC-Online for Business.CBC Sign en résumé- Se connecter en toute sécurité aux applications e-banking (surPC)- Valider et signer des transactions et des documents en toutefacilité- Simple et rapide avec votre smartphoneThe app Sign CBC connectssafely and to validate and sign transactions and documents ine-banking applications CBC.The app Sign CBC ensures the security of your e-banking computerapplications, such as Touch CBC, CBC and CBC Invest Online forBusiness. With this app, you easily connect to your smartphone andvalidate / sign transactions and documents securely. So this isindeed a security app, not an e-banking application.Operating proceduresTo log into the e-banking application on PC (or Mac) you go to thelogin page of the app and select 'CBC Sign' as security mode. Onceyou have entered your ID, a unique QR code on the screen. Afterreading the QR code with the app Sign CBC and entered your PIN fivepositions on your smartphone, you can access the e-bankingapplication on your PC (or Mac).It's simple, easy and safe. The same procedure is applied tovalidate and sign online transactions.requirementsNo need for additional hardware or install software on your PC (orMac). You only need the CBC Sign app on your smartphone and anInternet connection.for individuals: The app can be activated with your credit card andthe card reader or CBC by CBC Mobile application (app if this hasbeen enabled on your smartphone).for entrepreneurs: The CBC Sign activation codes may be obtainedfrom your bank or CBC manager of your CBC-Online for Businesssubscription.CBC Sign in brief- Connect securely access e-banking applications (PC)- Validate and sign transactions and documents with ease- Simple and quick with your smartphone
KBC Business Tablet 01.00.07
KBC Groep NV
Manage your business banking easily andsecurely wherever you are 24/7 with the KBC Business app.Check the balance on your accounts, transfer funds in real timebetween your own accounts, make transfers to accounts at otherbanks and even approve individual or batched payment orders alreadyset up in KBC-Online for Business or Isabel. Do it all and morewith KBC Business.It also gives you our handy 'scash' (scan & cash) facilityletting you make or receive payments by QR code (which you probablyalready know from our KBC Mobile app).Just sign up through KBC-Online for Business or Isabel to getstarted.Learn more at www.kbc.be/mobilebusinessbanking.
CBC Invest
KBC Groep NV
Vous avez un portefeuille d'investissement de25 000 euros ou plus ? Alors vous pouvez suivre votre portefeuilledans les moindres détails et à tout moment, 24 heures sur 24 et 7jours sur 7.Avec CBC Invest :• Vous pouvez faire le point sur vos investissements à tout moment: évolution mensuelle de tous vos produits d'investissement(rendement), degré de risque du portefeuille (analyse de risque) etpourcentages alloués à certains secteurs, catégories d'actifs,devises et régions (répartition);• Vous recevez une mise à jour mensuelle de la stratégied'investissement de CBC afin de mettre en contexte les choix quevous et votre conseiller en placements êtes appelés à faire;• Vous restez au courant des événements importants pour votreportefeuille, comme l'arrivée à échéance imminente d'uninvestissement;• Vous pouvez facilement confirmer de chez vous par une signatureélectronique des transactions conseillées par CBC;• Vous pouvez également transmettre vos ordres d'investissement àun conseiller en placement par chat ou vidéochat, même en dehorsdes heures de bureau.Cette année, CBC Invest sera encore développé et de nombreusesfonctionnalités viendront s'ajouter.Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pare-mail à l'adresse suggestionsinvest@cbc.be ou appelez la HotlineCBC au 0800 62 460.App beschikbaar in het Nederlands /App available in English/ App inDeutsch verfügbarYou have an investmentportfolio of EUR 25 000 or more? So you can track your portfolio indetail and at any time, 24 hours on 24 and 7 days out of 7.Invest with CBC:• You can take stock of your investments at any time: monthlyevolution of all your investment products (yield) level ofportfolio risk (risk analysis) and percentages allocated to somesectors, asset classes, currencies and regions(distribution);• You receive a monthly update of the CBC's investment strategy inorder to contextualize the choices you and your investment advisorare called to do;• You stay informed of important events for your wallet, likearriving at imminent expiry of an investment;• You can easily confirm to you by electronic signature oftransactions advised by CBC;• You can also forward your investment orders to an investmentadvisor by chat or video chat, even outside office hours.This year, CBC Invest will be further developed and manyfeatures will be added.If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail toor call the CBC suggestionsinvest@cbc.be Hotline on 0800 62460.App het Nederlands beschikbaar in / app available in English / Appin Deutsch verfügbar
KBC Research 1.3.5
KBC Groep NV
Have KBC Market Research Desk expertise rightat your fingertips with the KBC Research app! Get daily commentaryon the latest from the financial markets, in-depth analysis andforecasts of the bond and forex markets and much more. Stay updatedwith the KBC Market Research Desk take on euro area, US, UK andCentral European developments.Get the KBC Research app for:• Daily reports on bond and forex market trends and economic dataanalysis• Weekly summaries of key economic data, government bond auctionsand other events on the financial markets• Daily updated graphs showing interest and exchange rates• Macroeconomic forecasts and KBC forecasts for exchange rates andinterest rates• Fast updates and succinct analysis and commentary on what'shappening on the financial marketsView downloaded information offline and archive reportseasily.Note for users:This app contains only selected information based on short-termforecasts of developments on the financial markets. KBC Bank cannotguarantee that these forecasts will materialise and cannot be heldliable in any way for direct or consequential loss arising from anyuse of this app or its content.? The app's content is not intendedas personalised investment advice and does not constitute arecommendation to buy, sell or hold investments described in it.Although it has been obtained from and is based on sources KBCbelieves to be reliable, KBC does not guarantee the accuracy ofthis information, which may be incomplete or condensed. Allopinions and estimates constitute a KBC judgment on the reportdates and are subject to change without notice.
KBC Reach 1.3.0
KBC Groep NV
Smartphones have made us easier to reachthanever before. And now, the KBC Reach mobile app gives you abetterview and more control of your domestic and internationalpayments.As an authorised payment approver, your staff and colleaguescannow reach you any time to validate urgent transactions in justafew taps and total security.Everyone knows – business decisions need to be taken fast. WithKBCReach, distance and time zones no longer matter.Learn more about KBC Reach at www.kbccorporates.com/KBCreachorcontact your KBC relationship manager.Helpdesk:+32 16 43 25 32 (Belgium/international)0800 056 33 24 (United Kingdom)0800 236 328 (France)0800 101 6152 (Germany)0800 02 00 103 (Netherlands)
CBC Reach 1.3.0
KBC Groep NV
Smartphones have made us easier to reachthanever before. And now, the CBC Reach mobile app gives you abetterview and more control of your domestic and internationalpayments.As an authorised payment approver, your staff and colleaguescannow reach you any time to validate urgent transactions in justafew taps and total security.Everyone knows – business decisions need to be taken fast. WithCBCReach, distance and time zones no longer matter.Learn more about CBC Reach at www.cbccorporate.be/cbcreachorcontact your CBC relationship manager.Helpdesk:+32 16 43 25 32 (Belgium/international)0800 056 33 24 (United Kingdom)0800 236 328 (France)0800 101 6152 (Germany)0800 02 00 103 (Netherlands)
KBC DriveSafe 1.0.2
KBC Groep NV
Learn to be a better driver with the KBCDriveSafe app! See how you're driving based on how well you controlyour speed (respect speed limits), use your eco-driving skills(avoid doing things like accelerating or braking abruptly) anddrive undistracted (keep your eyes on the road). Get fun and usefulfeedback and tips on your driving.Have help from a coach and share your results with them onlineso they can see how you're doing and motivate you through 'deals'to improve your driving. Earn an agreed amount of tokens to reachyour goal (you get a token for every perfectly driven kilometre).Collect badges for well-driven journeys and win great prizes in ourcompetitions!Get started with KBC DriveSafe(1) Install the app on your smartphone(2) Sign yourself up(3) Choose a coach• Add a coach (like one of your parents), then sign up and log into get a message in the app with a PIN and link to our website forcoaches (https://drivesafe.kbc.be) that you can share with yourcoach so they can log in and see things you share with them there(only they can see this information).(4) Set up your smartphone• Make sure your phone's GPS is switched on while you're driving(this doesn't require a data connection as the app just needs yourGPS signal).• Share details of your journeys to get feedback on your driving(requires a 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi data connection).(5) Drive safely!
KBC PhoneCheck 1.0.16-release
KBC Groep NV
Not sure how secure your Android phone is?Getthe KBC PhoneCheck app to easily see just how well protecteditreally is. The app is brought to you in association withantivirusexperts Kaspersky.PhoneCheck checks four key settings on your phone to seewhetheryou are:1. Protecting your phone with a sufficiently securescreenlock2. Allowing the installation of unofficial apps3. Using an Android phone whose original operating system'ssecurityrestrictions have been removed4. Permitting certain apps to access your text messages whenyoumaybe shouldn't trust themCheck installed apps for potential viruses and quicklyremoveinfected ones to keep using your phone safely and with peaceofmind.
CBC K'Ching 16.10.1
KBC Groep NV
CBC K’Ching est une nouvelle app spécialementconçue pour les jeunes, qui te permet de gérer facilement toutestes opérations bancaires courantes.Comme par exemple effectuer des virements entre tes propres compteset vers des comptes auprès d'autres banques, ou consulter le soldede ton compte et tes opérations. Et ce, facilement et rapidement,où que tu sois.CBC K’Ching est en outre très convivial. Il te suffit en effet desaisir ton code secret pour te connecter et signer desopérations.Autres possibilités:– la fonction MobileCash te permet de retirer de l'argent à undistributeur automatique de billets KBC/CBC sans avoir à te servirde ta carte bancaire;– la fonction MobilePay te permet de payer en ligne sans lecteur decarte. Idéal pour payer tes achats sur le Net rapidement et entoute sécurité;– gestion de tous tes contacts;– choisis un look sympa grâce à différents thèmes. Tu peux en outretélécharger (et supprimer) les thèmes sur ton smartphone à taguise.Envie d’en savoir plus? Télécharge l'app sans plus attendre.Munis-toi ensuite de ta carte bancaire et du lecteur de carte CBCpour t'enregistrer, et le tour est joué! Tu trouveras de plusamples informations sur http://www.cbc.be/cbckching.App beschikbaar in het Nederlands /App available in English/ App inDeutsch verfügbarCBC K'Ching is a new appspecifically designed for young people, which allows you to easilymanage all your everyday banking.Such as make transfers between your own accounts and to accountswith other banks, or check the balance of your account and youroperations. And it quickly and easily, wherever you are.CBC K'Ching is also very user friendly. Maybe you can indeed enteryour PIN to log in and sign transactions.Other possibilities:- The MobileCash function allows you to withdraw money from an ATMof KBC tickets / CBC without having to serve you for your creditcard;- The MobilePay function allows you to pay online without cardreader. Ideal for paying for your purchases on the Internet quicklyand safely;- Management of all your contacts;- Choose a nice look with different themes. You can also download(and delete) the topics on your smartphone as you please.Want to learn more? Download the app now. then fitted on thy CBCbank card and card reader to save you, and voila! You can find moreinformation on http://www.cbc.be/cbckching.App het Nederlands beschikbaar in / app available in English / Appin Deutsch verfügbar
KBC Sign 16.10.0
KBC Groep NV
Get the KBC Sign app to securely log in toandauthorise transactions and documents through various KBCe-bankingservices.Use the KBC Sign smartphone app to securely access a numberofKBC's e-banking services like Touch, Invest and Online forBusinesson your computer (PC or Mac) and authorise transactions.Note thatKBC Sign is primarily a security app that also allows youto signtransactions and documents, not a fully fledged e-bankingapp.How it worksGo to the login page for the e-banking service you want to useonyour computer and select 'KBC Sign' for secure access. Enteryouridentification code to display a unique QR code on yourcomputerscreen. Scan the QR code with your KBC Sign app and enteryour5-digit PIN on your smartphone to access the relevante-bankingservice on your computer.It's that easy and secure, including when you use it toauthorisetransactions and documents online.RequirementsSay goodbye to e-banking access requiring additional hardware likeacard reader or extra software on your computer. All you need isyourKBC Sign app and Internet access on your smartphone.If you're a personal banking customer with us, you cannowsecurely access that with our Sign app. Just activate it usingyourdebit card and card reader or through our Mobile app (ifactivatedon your smartphone) and you're off.Businesses can apply for your KBC Sign app activation codestodayat your KBC Bank branch or through your KBC-Online forBusinessadministrator.Features- Log in securely to a range of KBC e-banking services onyourcomputer- Authorise easily transactions and documents- Have it with you on your phone wherever you are andconvenientlyat your fingertips 24/7
CBC Assist 17.2.0
KBC Groep NV
Grâce à CBC Assist, vous pouvez déclarer unsinistre ou un accident à CBC, où que vous soyez et à tout moment.Un accident de voiture, des dégâts de tempête à votre habitation,…. un malheur est vite arrivé. Mais que devez-vous faire, alors ?Qui devez-vous contacter ? CBC Assist vous donne la réponse !- Un accident de voiture ? CBC Assist vous guide à travers quelquesétapes simples pour rassembler toutes les informations nécessairessur la partie adverse, les éventuels témoins, les circonstances del'accident et les dommages à votre voiture. Pour ajouter facilementle Constat européen d'accident à votre déclaration numérique, ilvous suffit soit de le photographier, soit de le compléter vial'app Crashform, et ainsi votre déclaration de sinistre auprès deCBC sera tout à fait complète.- Vous êtes en panne, ou votre véhicule est immobilisé après unaccident ? Grâce à l'app, vous pouvez contacter facilement laCentrale d'assistance VAB, qui saura immédiatement qui vous êtes,et d'où vous appelez.- Un éclat dans votre pare-brise ? Vous trouverez dans CBC Assistles coordonnées de Carglass et vous pourrez prendre rendez-vous (sivous le souhaitez, vous pourrez également rechercher un autreréparateur agréé).- En cas de dommages à votre habitation aussi, vous pouvez signalerrapidement et simplement le problème à CBC : vous faites une brèvedescription de ce qui s'est passé, vous ajoutez quelques photosnumériques des dommages... et c'est terminé !- L'app vous permet en outre de créer un album photos de vos objetsde valeur. En cas de vol ou de perte, vous pourrez utiliser cesphotos dans votre déclaration. Elles sont sauvegardées en toutesécurité et de manière centralisée chez CBC.- Vous avez une police familiale chez CBC ? Dans ce domaine aussi,vous pourrez faire une déclaration grâce à CBC Assist.- Avec CBC Assist, vous avez toujours toutes les coordonnées utilesà portée de main : celles de votre agent d'assurances, de laCentrale d'assistance CBC ou de la centrale à contacter en casd'hospitalisation.- Vous recevrez un message lorsque des conditions météorologiquesextrêmes sont prévues dans la région de votre domicile.Téléchargez CBC Assist dès aujourd'hui, pour l'avoir à portée declic en cas de sinistre !À l'installation, il vous sera demandé une unique fois de vousconnecter via CBC Mobile. Ensuite, vous pourrez utiliser CBC Assistdirectement avec le code PIN que vous aurez choisi.App in nederlands beschikbaar/App available in english/ App inDeutsch verfügbarWith CBC Assist, you candeclare a disaster or an accident at CBC, anywhere, anytime. A caraccident, storm damage to your home .... a misfortune happenquickly. But what should you do then? Who do you contact? CBCAssist gives you the answer!- A car accident ? CBC Assist guides you through a few simple stepsto gather all necessary information about the opposing party,potential witnesses, the circumstances of the accident and thedamage to your car. To easily add the European Accident Statementto digital, simply either the photograph or complete the Crashformvia the app, and so your claim with CBC will be quitecomplete.- You are out of order, or your vehicle is immobilized following anaccident? With the app, you can easily contact the VAB of Centralassistance, which will immediately know who you are and where youare calling.- Fire in your windshield? You will find in CBC Assist coordinatesCarglass you can make an appointment (if you wish, you can alsosearch for other approved repairer).- If damage to your home as well, you can report the problemquickly and easily CBC: you make a brief description of whathappened, you add a few digital photos of the damage ... and you'redone!- The app also allows you to create a photo album of yourvaluables. In case of theft or loss, you can use these photos inyour statement. They are stored securely and centrally atCBC.- You have a family policy at the CBC? Here too, you can make astatement with CBC Assist.- Assist With CBC, you always have all relevant details at hand:those of your insurance agent, CBC Central assistance or centralcontact in case of hospitalization.- You will receive a message when extreme weather conditions areexpected in the area of ​​your home.Download CBC Assist today, to have it at your fingertipsdisaster!Upon installation, you will be asked a single time to connect viaCBC Mobile. Then you can use CBC Assist directly with the PIN codeyou choose.App in nederlands beschikbaar / App available in English / App inDeutsch verfügbar
KBC K’Ching 16.10.0
KBC Groep NV
KBC K’Ching is a new dedicated app thatmakesbasic banking easy for young people.For instance, transferring money between your own accounts andtoaccounts at other banks, or checking your account balanceandtransactions, can be done quickly and fuss-free, whereveryouare.KBC K’Ching is very user-friendly. All you need is your PIN tologin and sign transactions in a flash.Other features let you:- use MobileCash to withdraw cash from any KBC/CBC ATMwithoutneeding your bank card- manage all your contacts- choose a funky look courtesy of the different themes
KBC Assist 16.10.0
KBC Groep NV
Get the KBC Assist app to easilysubmitinsurance claims to KBC wherever you are, 24/7. Whetheryou'reinvolved in a car accident, your home has been damaged in astormor whatever life throws at you, accidents will happen. What doyoudo then? Who can you contact? KBC Assist gives you the answersyouneed.- Get guided step-by-step help gathering full details of theotherparty, any witnesses, the circumstances of the accident anddamageto your vehicle if you're involved in a car accident. Takephotosof the necessary European accident statement and easily add acopyof that to your digital claim so you can submit it in fullthereand then to KBC.- Call VAB Breakdown Assistance and have details of who andwhereyou are sent to them at the tap of a finger.- See a full list of Carglass outlet contact details or searchforand make an appointment with other authorised glass repairersifyour windscreen gets damaged.- Inform KBC of damage to your home in no time by simply enteringabrief description of what's happened, adding a few photos ofthedamage and sending them your claim.- Create a photo album of your valuables and use the photos ifyouhave to claim in the event of theft or loss (KBC storesthesephotos securely for you).- Claim under your family insurance with KBC.- Have key contact details for your KBC insurance agent,KBCAssistance or reporting admission to hospital right atyourfingertips at all times.- Get notified when severe weather is expected where you live.Download the KBC Assist app today to make life a whole loteasierwhen it comes to insurance claims.One-off login to the KBC Mobile app is required to installKBCAssist before using it with a PIN of your choosing.
KBC Brussels Sign 16.10.0
KBC Groep NV
Get the KBC Brussels Sign app to securely login to and authorise transactions and documents through various KBCe-banking services.Use the KBC Brussels Sign smartphone app to securely access anumber of KBC's e-banking services like Touch, Invest and Onlinefor Business on your computer (PC or Mac) and authorisetransactions. Note that KBC Brussels Sign is primarily a securityapp that also allows you to sign transactions and documents, not afully fledged e-banking app.How it worksGo to the login page for the e-banking service you want to use onyour computer and select 'KBC Brussels Sign' for secure access.Enter your identification code to display a unique QR code on yourcomputer screen. Scan the QR code with your KBC Brussels Sign appand enter your 5-digit PIN on your smartphone to access therelevant e-banking service on your computer.It's that easy and secure, including when you use it to authorisetransactions and documents online.RequirementsSay goodbye to e-banking access requiring additional hardware likea card reader or extra software on your computer. All you need isyour KBC Brussels Sign app and Internet access on yoursmartphone.If you're a personal banking customer with us, you can nowsecurely access that with our Sign app. Just activate it using yourdebit card and card reader or through our Mobile app (if activatedon your smartphone) and you're off.Businesses can apply for your KBC Brussels Sign app activationcodes today at your KBC Bank branch or through your KBC-Online forBusiness administrator.Features- Log in securely to a range of KBC e-banking services on yourcomputer- Authorise easily transactions and documents- Have it with you on your phone wherever you are and convenientlyat your fingertips 24/7
KBC Brussels Assist 16.10.0
KBC Groep NV
Get the KBC Brussels Assist app toeasilysubmit insurance claims to KBC Brussels wherever you are,24/7.Whether you're involved in a car accident, your home hasbeendamaged in a storm or whatever life throws at you, accidentswillhappen. What do you do then? Who can you contact? KBCBrusselsAssist gives you the answers you need.- Get guided step-by-step help gathering full details of theotherparty, any witnesses, the circumstances of the accident anddamageto your vehicle if you're involved in a car accident. Takephotosof the necessary European accident statement and easily add acopyof that to your digital claim so you can submit it in fullthereand then to KBC Brussels.- Call VAB Breakdown Assistance and have details of who andwhereyou are sent to them at the tap of a finger.- See a full list of Carglass outlet contact details or searchforand make an appointment with other authorised glass repairersifyour windscreen gets damaged.- Inform KBC Brussels of damage to your home in no time bysimplyentering a brief description of what's happened, adding afewphotos of the damage and sending them your claim.- Create a photo album of your valuables and use the photos ifyouhave to claim in the event of theft or loss (KBC Brusselsstoresthese photos securely for you).- Claim under your family insurance with KBC Brussels.- Have key contact details for your KBC Brussels insuranceagent,KBC Brussels Assistance or reporting admission to hospitalright atyour fingertips at all times.- Get notified when severe weather is expected where you live.Download the KBC Brussels Assist app today to make life awholelot easier when it comes to insurance claims.One-off login to the KBC Brussels Mobile app is required toinstallKBC Brussels Assist before using it with a PIN ofyourchoosing.
KBC Brussels Mobile 16.10.2
KBC Groep NV
Bank on your smartphone where and when youwant with KBC Brussels Mobile. It's packed with great features thatlet you transfer funds in real time between your own accounts or toaccounts at other banks, view your account balance and transactionsand make payments between two smartphones.Other features let you:- Withdraw cash from any KBC/CBC/KBC Brussels ATM withoutneeding your bank card using MobileCash- Pay quickly and securely online and instore using yoursmartphone, without needing your bank card- Buy online without a card reader using MobilePay, ideal formaking quick and secure payment of invoices in Doccle or for itemspurchased in an online shop- Load your KBC Brussels Prepaid Card in real time and view its andyour credit card's details at any time- Manage usage limits for your debit and credit cards- Enter and manage planned transaction orders, like savings ordersor credit transfers with an execution date in the future- Log in and sign transactions using your fingerprint.– Scan credit transfer forms– Open a savings account or set up a Pricos pension savingsplan– See your financial to-do list- Manage your beneficiary details- See account, beneficiary and credit card details clearlydifferentiated for your business and personal accounts- Set a limit for the amount you can transfer- Send messages to your bank branch, insurance agent andrelationship manager- View and pay Zoomit and electronic invoices from KBC BrusselsInsurance- See your current travel insurance plus added cover you might wantfor fuller peace of mind and get personalised suggestions on thebest insurance for your travels.- Sign certain types of documents digitally (once you've arrangedthis with your branch).- Receive notifications and check your account balance on yoursmartwatch– Make appointments that suit you with your relationship manager orKBC Brussels Team– See right away which advisers are availableKBC Brussels Mobile is very user-friendly. All you need is your PINto log in and sign transactions. You can use additional featureslike managing your limits or making a transfer in excess of thestandard limit with your card reader.Like to find out more? Download the app and try out the demoversion. Just register using your bank card and card reader andyou're off! Learn more at m.kbc.be/mobile.
KBC Brussels K'Ching 16.10.1
KBC Groep NV
KBC Brussels K’Ching is a new dedicated appthat makes basic banking easy for young people.For instance, transferring money between your own accounts and toaccounts at other banks, or checking your account balance andtransactions, can be done quickly and fuss-free, wherever youare.KBC Brussels K’Ching is very user-friendly. All you need is yourPIN to log in and sign transactions in a flash.Other features let you:- use MobileCash to withdraw cash from any KBC/CBC ATM withoutneeding your bank card- use MobilePay to pay online without your card reader (ideal formaking quick and secure payment for items purchased in an onlineshop)- manage all your contacts- choose a funky look courtesy of the different themes (which youcan download on your smartphone and remove again).Like to find out more? Download the app now. Just register usingyour bank card and card reader and you're off! Learn more athttps://www.kbcbrussels.be/en/kching.
KBC Brussels Touch
KBC Groep NV
KBC Brussels Touch makes online bankingandinsurance a cinch, anytime, anywhere. As easy as one, two,three.Do more with KBC Brussels Touch.– Check your account balance and transactions, see what's lefttospend on your credit and prepaid cards and top up your prepaidcardin real time– Transfer funds in real time between your own accounts ortoaccounts at other banks– Search for specific transactions and save them in aseparatereport– Create and view statements of account– Easily sign your transfers with your PIN without having touseyour bank card and card reader (unless you transfer an amountthatexceeds your limit)– If you run a business, you can toggle with ease betweenyourpersonal and business accounts, and keep your personal andbusinessbeneficiaries separate.– See where your income comes from and where yourexpendituregoes– Get a clear overview of your investment portfolio, with allitssavings and investment products– View your loans in detail, calculate your home loan andchangewhen your home loan repayments are made and fromwhichaccount– Easily simulate and apply for an instalment loan– Get an overview of insurance you've taken out, and calculatethecost of a car, family or home insurance policy.And much more besides.Find out all you can do with KBC Brussels Touch today.Do you have any questions? Send an e-mail tokbc.helpdesk@kbc.beor call the KBC Helpdesk on + 32 16 43 2507.
KBC Brussels Invest
KBC Groep NV
Have an investment portfolio of 25 000 eurosormore? Track your investments in detail 24/7 with the KBCBrusselsInvest app.KBC Brussels Invest lets you:• Stay updated on your investments at all times, includingthemonthly changes in all investment products (return), the degreeofrisk in your investment portfolio (risk analysis) and how muchyouhave invested in certain product classes, currencies, regionsandsectors (allocation)• Get monthly updates on the KBC Brussels Investment Strategytomake even more well-informed investment choices together withyourinvestment adviser• Receive notifications alerting you to important events foryourinvestment portfolio like when an investment is nearingitsmaturity date• Easily confirm advice proposals from the comfort of your ownhomeby digitally signing them• Place orders by text or video chat with a wealthmanagementadviser (even outside office hours)Stay tuned in 2016 for even more great new features inKBCBrussels Invest.Send us your queries by e-mail to invest@kbc.be or call theKBCHelpdesk on + 32 16 43 25 07 for more assistance.
KBC SmartHome 2.3.4
KBC Groep NV
Monitoring and controlling your home iseasierthan ever with the KBC SmartHome app. You can remotely manageandfollow your energy and safety devices, with just a few taps.Easilyswitch your TV off or turn your lights on, even when you arenot athome.The app also helps you to improve your comfort and worry less,sinceyou are automatically notified when something abnormalhappens inyour home.You forgot to turn off the oven or did not close thefridgeproperly? No worries, the app will tell you!When there’s a water leak, smoke or CO detected, you or yourfamilyand friends will immediately be informed via pushnotifications,sms or email.
CBC PhoneCheck 1.0.2-release
KBC Groep NV
Votre smartphone est-il sûr ? Grâce àCBCPhoneCheck, vous pouvez facilement vérifier si votre smartphoneestbien protégé. Cette app est le fruit d'une collaborationavecl'expert en antivirus, Kaspersky.Le PhoneCheck contrôle 4 paramètres de base survotreappareil:1. Votre smartphone dispose-t-il d'un verrouillage d'écranetcelui-ci était-il suffisamment sûr?2. Acceptez-vous que des apps officieuses soient installéessurvotre appareil?3. Les mesures de sécurité prévues par Android sont-ellesencoreactivées sur votre appareil?4. Quelles sont les apps qui ont accès à votre messagerieSMS?Sont-elles toutes fiables?En outre vous pouvez aussi voir si vos apps installées ne sontpasinfectées par des virus et supprimer celles qui le sont. Il estlecompagnon idéal de votre smartphone.Is your smartphonesafe?With CBC PhoneCheck, you can easily check if your smartphoneiswell protected. This app is the result of collaboration withtheexpert in antivirus Kaspersky.The 4 PhoneCheck control basic settings on your device:1. Your smartphone does have a screen lock and it wassecureenough?2. Do you agree that informal apps are installed onyourdevice?3. Are the security measures provided by Android yet activatedonyour device?4. What are the apps that have access to your SMS messaging?Arethey all reliable?In addition you can also see if your installed apps are notinfectedby viruses and remove those that are. It is the perfectcompanionfor your smartphone.
CBC DriveSafe 1.0.0
KBC Groep NV
Apprenez à connaître votre comportementauvolant grâce à l’app CBC DriveSafe ! Cette applicationenregistrevotre comportement au volant en fonction de la vitesse(par rapportà la vitesse autorisée), de la conduite économique(démarrer etfreiner brusquement) et de la vigilance sur route.Cetteapplication vous donne sous forme ludique des informationsetconseils intéressants sur votre comportement au volant.Mais elle ne s’adresse pas à vous uniquement... Si vouslesouhaitez, vous pouvez partager vos résultats avec un coach.Cecoach aura accès en ligne au feed-back général survotrecomportement au volant et pourra, au travers de « deals »,vousmotiver à améliorer votre conduite. Ensemble, vous déterminerezlenombre de bonus à récolter pour atteindre un objectifdéterminé.Chaque kilomètre parcouru parfaitement vaut 1bonus.Mais ce n’est pas tout ! Parcourir des trajets dans le respectdesrègles de sécurité peut également vous faire gagner des badges.Etqui sait... Peut-être remporterez-vous un beau prix à l’un denosconcours ?Comment utiliser CBC DriveSafe ?(1) Téléchargez CBC DriveSafe sur votre smartphone(2) Enregistrez-vous via l’app(3) Choisissez un coach• Vous avez la possibilité d’ajouter un coach (vos parents,parexemple). Une fois que vous vous serez identifié(e) dansl’appaprès vous être enregistré(e), vous recevrez un message dansl’appavec le code pin et le lien vers le site pour lecoach(https://drivesafe.cbc.be). Vous pourrez partager cesinformationsavec votre coach, afin qu’il/elle puisse s’enregistrersur le siteréservé aux coachs. En d’autres termes, vous choisissezvous-mêmeles personnes avec qui vous souhaitez partagerdesinformations.(4) Paramètres de votre smartphone• La fonction « Localisation » du smartphone doit êtreactivéependant que vous conduisez. Vous n’avez pas besoin deconnexion auxdonnées mobiles. Cette app se sert du signal GPSenarrière-fond.• Pour transmettre les données d’un trajet qui permettrontauconducteur d’obtenir des informations sur son comportementauvolant, une connexion aux données mobiles (3G, 4G ou Wifi)estnécessaire.(5) Roulez jeunesse !Know your drivingbehaviorthrough the app CBC DriveSafe! This application recordsyour drivingbehavior depending on the speed (relative to the speedlimit), ofeconomical driving (start and stop suddenly) andvigilance on theroad. This app gives you information in a fun wayand interestingtips on driving behavior.But it is not only for you ... If you wish, you can shareyourresults with a coach. The coach will have online access tothegeneral feedback on your driving behavior and can, through"deals",motivate you to improve your driving. Together, you willdeterminethe number of bonuses to collect to reach a specific goal.Eachkilometer is 1 bonus perfectly.But that's not all ! Browse trips in compliance withsafetyregulations may also earn you badges. And who knows ... maybewillwin you a nice prize to one of our contests?How to use CBC DriveSafe?(1) Download CBC DriveSafe on your smartphone(2) Register via the app(3) Choose a coach• You can add a coach (your parents, for example). Once youbecomeidentified (e) in the app after registering (e), you willreceive amessage in the app with the pin code and the link to thewebsitefor the coach (https: // drivesafe. cbc.be). You can sharethisinformation with your coach, so he / she can register on thesitefor coaches. In other words, you choose yourself the peopleyouwant to share information.(4) Parameters of your smartphone• The "Location" of the smartphone must be turned on whiledriving.You do not need mobile data connection. This app uses theGPSsignal in the background.• To transmit data from a path that will allow the driver toobtaininformation about his driving behavior, a mobile dataconnection(3G, 4G or WiFi) is required.(5) Roll youth!
KBC Scan 2.6.14
KBC Groep NV
KBC Scan est une application mobile destinée à faciliterlesopérations de remises de chèques depuis votre smartphone sansavoirà vous déplacer ni à compléter de bordereau de remise.Avecl’application mobile KBC Scan, - vous enregistrez directementvotreremise de chèques à partir d’une simple prise de vue deschèques -vous suivez en temps réel le traitement de vos chèquesdepuisl’envoi jusqu’à l’encaissement - vous êtes crédités sur lecomptebancaire choisi dès validation finale de la remise sur votremobile*. La non réception du chèque physique sous un délai de 10jourscalendaires entrainera d’office l’annulation du crédit encompteconcerné * - vous pouvez effectuer jusqu’à trois remises parjour,avec un maximum de 20 chèques et de 25.000 € par remise -vousdisposez de l’historique de vos remises pendant 3 mois Lesremisesde chèques restent soumises aux conditions générales devotreconvention de compte. * sous réserve de respecter lesconditionsd’accessibilité à ce service
KBC Brussels Business 20.8.0
KBC Groep NV
KBC Brussels Business gives you the freedom to manage yourbusinessbanking on your smartphone, wherever and whenever you want.Lookingto manage your business accounts with the KBC BrusselsBusinessDashboard? Then download KBC Brussels Business and have anoverviewof your accounts with you at all times. Already bankingonlineusing KBC Brussels Touch? Get the KBC Brussels Mobile app tobankon the go from the convenience of your phone. What you can dowiththe KBC Brussels Business app on your smartphone: •Countersignfiles, documents and transactions • Display balances and(future)transactions • Make credit transfers Register in your KBCBrusselsBusiness Dashboard, download KBC Brussels Business and getstartedright away. Learn moreatwww.kbcbrussels.be/business/en/kbcbusiness KBC Brusselsprocessesyour personal data using essential cookies to guaranteesecuremobile banking. More information in this regard can be foundin thecookie policy for this app.
EventTool Check-In 1.8
KBC Groep NV
De EventTool Check-In App laat toe om op een Event deaanwezigheidvan genodigden op een vlotte manier te registreren.